Reminders of God’s Abundant Faithfulness

It all started with an eagle. A year and a half ago, I was about to start a new job. As I was
writing in my journal about it, perched on my favorite spot in the house, I saw a large brown bird
on our backyard fence. I gasped, grabbed my binoculars, and zoomed in on what I thought was
an elusive hawk that I’ve seen before and have been trying to identify.

I finally captured the hawk.

But this was no ordinary bird. This was a golden eagle sitting in the sun. I could see him clearly, right down to his distinctive beak. I watched as he turned his head a complete 180 degrees, probably scouting out his breakfast.

So, I dressed quickly and went outside to get a better look. I did the short loop behind our house,
and, since it was such a nice morning, the short walk turned into a longer walk. As I continued
down the main road, all I saw was more birds. Birds of every shape and size, from geese and
egrets by the pond to the smallest sparrows dotting the grass.

My favorite was the trio of tiny blue birds with chestnut chests, which I later researched and
discovered to be Eastern bluebirds. It seemed as if they were following me down the road,
swooping and landing and swooping up again.

I love object lessons in nature, when scenes outside point to what we see in God’s Word. There
are so many verses that mention birds, and some that specifically mention eagles. These verses
tell of God’s faithful care and abundant provision. They issue a call to rise above worry and to
trust the sovereignty of almighty God.

Is. 40: 31 NET “Those who wait for the Lord’s help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they
had eagles’ wings…”

Matthew 10: 29-31 NIV “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall
to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all
numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Matthew 6:25-27 NIV “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in
barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

“Look at the birds of the air.” “Don’t be afraid.” That’s just what He led me to do on that
spontaneous morning walk – to look and to be reminded. The nests in the trees, the birds seen,
the birds unseen but heard clearly. Everywhere I looked, there were reminders of His
faithfulness, reminders of Him. I love reminders such as these, and I love what they point to –
the One whose praises the birds sing, our faithful, loving Creator.

Starting a new job. How long we continue to live in this city. When we move to the next.
Financial goals. All the changing seasons of life.

The birds remind me to lay all this down at the feet of our Creator. This loving God invites us to
know Him, and in knowing Him, we have all we need. (2 Peter 1:3)

At the start of each new season of life, at every bend in the road, in every moment of my life – I
have all I need. I have everything I need in knowing God.

And I always will.

So, I trust Him to provide each next step at each right time. He is near, and He is faithful. He
provides. He does it for the birds, and He does it for me.

About The Author

Joy Harris

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